
Practical Solutions to Help You Think Big: PRD European SME Forum 2014

Time 2014-04-16 | 08:30 – 12:50
Venue Grand Ballroom, Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites Landmark Shenzhen
Address 3018 Nanhu Road, Shenzhen
Fee EU-chamber Members: Free/200 | Non Members: 400

The European Union Chamber of Commerce, the China IPR SME Helpdesk and the EU SME Centre are delighted to invite you to the first half-day SME Forum on Wednesday 16 April 2014 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites Landmark Shenzhen.

The forum will provide a platform for sharing knowledge and best practices on the issues that matter most for SMEs in China. SMEs will learn how compete for talent and build powerful branding strategies in the increasingly competitive market in the Pearl River Delta (PRD). The forum highlights practical tools available for SMEs to help grow their businesses.

European Union SMEs will enjoy free admission upon written approval after their registration on our website.

Non-EU SMEs/Large enterprises: Member fee: 200 RMB
Non-EU SMEs/Large Enterprises: Non-Member fee: 400 RMB

Tentative agenda

08:30 – 09:00   Registration & networking

09:00 – 09:10   Opening & welcome remarks

Hubert Delelis Fanien, Chair of the SME Forum,
European Chamber

Session 1

09:10 – 09:40   How to attract talent as an SME in China

Christine Raynaud, CEO, MRIC

09:40 – 10:20   Defining Employee Roles, Responsibilities and Compensation for SMEs in China

Cindy Jensen, EU SME Centre Speaker

10:20 – 10:40   Q&A, moderated by Hubert Delelis Fanien         

10:40 – 11:10   Coffee break & networking

Session 2

11:10 – 11:40    Building a powerful branding strategy for your SME in China

Tristan Roquette, Founder and Managing Director, and Noelia Maestre,
Marketing & Communications Director, Teamacting Group

11:40 – 12:30    Update on the changes to the Chinese Trademark Law and

introduction to the China IPR SME Helpdesk

David Allison, China IPR SME Helpdesk Expert

12:30 – 12:50    Q&A moderated by Hubert Delelis Fanien




Hubert Delelis Fanien, Founder, AKA Outspring

Hubert Delelis Fanien specializes in auditing and quality inspection and has personally recruited, trained and developed hundreds of Chinese team members enabling them to become the top managers of today and tomorrow. Mr. Fanien has developed a worldwide industrial process expert network. He founded AKA Outspring to transmit his passion and expertise in developing people and securing their competency through training and an adapted organization / management system. Mr. Fanien serves as the Chair of the SME Forum of the European Chamber of Commerce in China for the Pearl River Delta (PRD) Chapter.

Christine Raynaud, CEO, MRIC

Christine Raynaud is the CEO of MRIC, one of the most well-established recruitment firms in Mainland China and in Asia. Operating from six locations, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Taipei and Singapore, MRIC employs over 180 staff and provides executive recruitment services and outsourcing solutions to clients in every major industry. Christine has gained more than 25 years of experience in search, recruitment and staffing, drawing on the knowledge gained through leading HR services businesses in over 21 international markets. Ms. Raynaud is a graduate of HEC Paris with a career that includes roles with recruitment industry leaders such as Hudson, Manpower, Inc., and Adecco.

Cindy Jensen, EU SME Centre Speaker

Cindy Jensen has over 20 years’ experience working with well-recognised multinational companies (including Frito-Lay, a division of PepsiCo and TELUS Mobility) in the fields of sales, marketing and human resources. She has expertise in a broad range of areas including: Talent & Organisational Development, Change Management, Cross Cultural Understanding, Performance Management, Strategy Development, HR Consulting, designing and facilitating Leadership Development programmes and Executive Coaching. Ms. Jensen has a BComm in Marketing and Human Resources from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada and is a graduate of the Rutgers International EMBA programme with a concentration in Finance and Strategy. She is an ACC credentialed Executive Coach and a member of the International Coaching Federation. In 2012, Ms. Jensen was awarded the People’s Choice Award for Entrepreneur of the Year, Women in Business.

Tristan Roquette, Executive Consultant-Coach, Teamacting Group

Tristan Roquette is the Founder of Teamacting Group, a Consulting firm specialized in Leadership. He is a special advisor to General Managers and top executives of foreign companies, brands and institutions in China. As a consultant and executive coach, he was involved in several transformation projects, guiding his clients to act as true leaders, and through their self-conduct, developing their management teams and global organisation. Mr. Roquette has 10 years of experience as a consultant-coach, and nurtures the ambition of large companies and institutions such as Casino, Decathlon, the Netherlands Consulate, Oxylane Group and Sanofi-Pasteur. Mr. Roquette is also former member of several Boards of directors, and advises the European Chamber of Commerce in China and Roquette Asia.

Noelia Maestre, Marketing and Communications Director, Teamacting Group

Noelia Maestre has worked for branding and design agencies in London, Valencia and HK for more than 12 years and has extended experience in producing marketing materials and custom publications for brands such as TOTO, Mackintosh, Hyundai Card, Blackberry and Swire Properties. Since she arrived at Teamacting Group in 2013, she has been working in various projects including helping the GM to restructure and re-launch the company.

David Allison, China IPR SME Helpdesk Expert

David Allison is Counsel of Bird & Bird within the China IP team based in Hong Kong. With extensive experience in all major areas of intellectual property, including copyright, trademarks, patents, and registered designs, Mr. Allison has managed disputes dealing with infringement of trademarks, copyright as well as the misuse of confidential information and trade secrets. Mr. Allison’s particular areas of interest include contentious intellectual property disputes, the enforcement of intellectual property rights in both Hong Kong and mainland China, and the prosecution of trade mark portfolios in Hong Kong and the greater China region. He also advises clients on non-contentious matters, particularly relating to personal data privacy. Mr. Allison is qualified to practise law in the Supreme Court of Western Australia, the High Court of Australia and the High Court of Hong Kong.

Contact info

NAME: Ms.Caitlin McCarthy
T (0755) 8632 9040

FBCGD represented its members at Team Finland meeting in Hong Kong

Team Finland meeting in Hong Kong
Lunch speaker SCMP commentator, former Head of InvestHK Mike Rowse
“The role of Hong Kong in the economic and political development of China, Past Present and Future”
FBCGD is part of Team Finland and represents its members in meetings such as the one on 17 March 2014. The members of Team Finland in China gathered together in Hong Kong to assess the current situation of Team Finland and think freely ways to solve known problems.

The key conclusion of the meeting was that communication and coordination will enable Team Finland to use all possible resources in a more efficient way. It was also agreed that the cooperation must be continuous and long-term instead of individual events or projects.

Read more about Team Finland.

English Finnish

Kutsu suomalaisyrityksille: Kiinan vuotuinen Green Growth Summit Nanningissa huhtikuussa 2014

(In English after the Finnish text)

Hyvä vastaanottaja,

Suomen Kiinan suurlähettiläs Jari Gustafsson kutsuu teidät ja edustamanne tahot suomalaisosallistujiksi Kiinan yrittäjäjärjestö China Entrepreneur Club’in (CEC) vuotuiseen Green Growth Summit-kokoukseen, joka järjestetään 20.-22.4.2014 Kiinan Nanningissa. Lisätietoa sekä CEC:stä että seminaarista löytyy liitteistä.

Noin tuhannella osallistujallaan seminaari kerää yhteen merkittävän määrän kiinalaisia yritysjohtajia, akateemikkoja, tutkijoita ja valtionhallinnon edustajia. Kansainväliselläkin tasolla tunnustettu kestävään kasvuun ja innovaatioihin keskittyvä huippukokous tarjoaa kokoonpanollaan merkittävän mahdollisuuden verkottua kiinalaiseen yrityskenttään, tuoda esille vahvaa suomalaisosaamistamme ja löytää uusia kumppaneita yritystoimintaan niin Kiinassa kuin Suomessakin.

Viime vuosina noin viidesosa osallistujakunnasta on ollut kansainvälistä ja EU-maista muun muassa Ruotsi ja Hollanti ovat olleet edustettuina. Suomi on kutsuttu mukaan osin seurauksena pääministeri Jyrki Kataisen syyskuun 2013 Kiinan vierailun, jolloin hän tapasi CEC-järjestön edustajia. Pääministeri Kataisen mukana tapaamisessa oli Suomen Cleantech-osaamisen kärkinimiä.

Suurlähetystö kannustaa suomalaisyrityksiä ilmoittautumaan runsain joukoin mukaan tähän hienoon mahdollisuuteen tavata kiinalaista yrityskenttää ja luoda uusia yhteyksiä ja kasvun mahdollisuuksia. Suomen Pekingin suurlähetystössä yhteyshenkilönä toimii ja ilmoittautumisia vastaanottaa ulkoasiainsihteeri Leo Svahnbäck

Osallistujille välitetään tarkemmat tiedot huippukokoukseen osallistumisesta alkuvuonna 2014. Suurlähetystö ei vastaa hotellivarauksista tai muista mahdollisista matkaan liittyvistä käytännön järjestelyistä, mutta on muuten apuna tilaisuuteen liittyvissä tiedusteluissa.


Suurlähettiläs Jari Gustafsson
Suomen suurlähetystö, Peking

CGCS Invitation to Finnish Companies (pdf-file)

The 7th China Green Companies Summit will be held in Nanning, China, from the 20th to the 22nd of April, 2014.

The China Green Companies Summit offers unparalleled opportunities to network with elite Chinese business leaders from a wide range of industries across the country, as well as better understand the strides in sustainability and innovation Chinese companies are taking forward. We welcome you along with Finnish business leaders, officials, and academics to take part in the Summit 2014.

Initiated by the China Entrepreneur Club (CEC) in 2008, the China Green Companies Summit takes place every year on April 22nd, Earth Day. The forum strives to promote business transformation and sustainable growth. More than 1,000 visionary and innovative business leaders, government officials, opinion leaders, NGO representatives and mainstream media participate in the forum each year. The summit has been publically recognized as the largest, top-level and most internationalized summit focusing on China’s sustainable development.

The previous Summits received support from such luminaries as United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, Executive Director of UN Global Compact Georg Kell, Founder of the World Economic Forum Prof. Klaus Schwab, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and His Royal Highness Prince Charles of Wales.

For more information, please visit


English Finnish

FBCGD Spring Meeting 2014 Invitation

The Council hereby invites you to join the Spring Meeting 2014 to discuss about the current situation of FBCGD and more importantly what we will do next. So mark down in your calendar Friday 7 March 2014 3pm. Hope to see you there with your great ideas and valuable opinions!

You are welcome also if you are not a member yet but are interested to become one!

Aika: perjantai 7.3.2014, klo 15:00
Paikka: Shekou, Shenzhen (tarkempi paikka ilmoitetaan myöhemmin)

1. Kokouksen avaus
2. Kokouksen päätösvaltaisuuden toteaminen
3. Jäsenrekisteri 2014
4. Kassatilanne
5. Hallituksen kokoonpanon vahvistaminen
6. Sääntömuutoksen valmistelu
6.1 Henkilöjäsenyys
6.2 FBCGD:lle suomenkielinen nimi
6.3 Toimielinten nimet ja tehtävät
7. Toimintasuunnitelma 2014
7.1 Yritysjäsenedut
7.2 Tapahtumien maksullisuus ja alennukset
7.3 Karting-tapahtuma
7.4 Golfturnaus toukokuussa
7.5 Nettisivut
7.6 Sähköpostilista
7.7 Yhteistyö: FAO:t GZ ja SZ, GZ GETDD, EUCCC, yliopistot, HK kauppakamari ja Finpro jne.
8. Team Finland –projektikatsaus
9. Muut esille tulevat asiat
10. Kokouksen päättäminen

English event

Annual General Meeting and Independence Day Dinner

The Annual General Meeting of Finnish Business Council Guangdong was held on 6 December 2013 at McCawley’s in Shekou, Shenzhen. The event was also 10th birthday of the Council and the 96th birthday of Finland.

The AGM discussed a number of things and we can expect to see more active the Council in the year 2014. Golf will be still played but many other events are also planned. This web site is also a new thing that hopefully will serve members and everybody else well.

FBCGD offered a free dinner with open bar to 30 participants who had joined to have good time. Many non-members joined the Council be part of the Finnish community in Guangdong.