
The Finnish Ambassador led Finncham GD and Team Finland delegation trip in Guangdong

Guangzhou, Shenzhen, April, 2024 – The Finnish Chamber of Commerce Guangdong lauds the recent Team Finland China visit to Guangzhou and Shenzhen as a resounding success, highlighting the strengthening of bilateral ties and the exploration of new business opportunities between Finland and China.

Led by the Finland Ambassador Leena-Kaisa Mikkola, the Team Finland delegation comprised representatives from various Finnish industries, including technology, innovation, and green energy. The visit, organized in collaboration with Business Finland and the Finnish Chamber of Commerce Guangdong, aimed to foster closer economic cooperation and deepen existing partnerships between Finnish and Chinese companies.

Chairman Ville Majanen, representing the Finncham Guangdong, expressed his satisfaction with the outcomes of the visit, stating, “The Team Finland China visit has been instrumental in reinforcing the strong economic relationship between Finland and Guangdong province. We are delighted to see the enthusiastic engagement from both Finnish and Chinese businesses, which bodes well for future collaborations.”

During the visit, delegates participated in a series of business seminars, networking events, and B2B meetings, providing a platform for Finnish companies to showcase their expertise and explore potential partnerships with Chinese counterparts. Key sectors of focus included ICT, clean technology, healthcare, and education.

The delegation also had the opportunity to visit leading technology parks, innovation hubs, and manufacturing facilities in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, gaining valuable insights into China’s dynamic business landscape and the rapid pace of innovation in the region.

In Guangzhou, the delegation visited eg. the GIIHG, where they were introduced to the latest advancements in urban planning, technology integration, and sustainable development. In Shenzhen, delegates toured the Honor Research and Development Center, witnessing firsthand the cutting-edge research and innovation driving Honor’s global success.

Looking ahead, the Finnish Chamber of Commerce Guangdong remains optimistic about the prospects of further strengthening economic ties between Finland and Guangdong province. “The success of the Team Finland China visit underscores the importance of sustained engagement and collaboration between our two countries,” emphasized Chairman Ville Majanen. “We look forward to building on this momentum and exploring new avenues for partnership and growth in the future.”

As the delegation concludes its visit to Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the Finnish Chamber of Commerce Guangdong reaffirms its commitment to supporting Finnish businesses in navigating the Chinese market and fostering greater cooperation between Finland and Guangdong province.

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Photos: Ville Majanen

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FBCGD järjestää Suomi 100 vuotta juhlaillallisen keskiviikkona Shenzhenissä 6.12.2017 klo 18:00. Ilmoittautumiset ja paikka TBA.

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event Finnish

FBCGD vuosikokous 6.12.2014 (Shenzhen)

Kaikki FBCGD:n jäsenet ja tulevat jäsenet kutsutaan täten yhdistyksen sääntömääräiseen vuosikokoukseen. Vuosikokouksen käsiteltäväksi haluttavat asiat on esitettävä puheenjohtajalle vähintään viikkoa ennen vuosikokousta.

Aika: lauantai 6.12.2014 klo 16:00–18:00. (Tilaisuus jatkuu itsenäisyyspäivän illallisella.)
Paikka: Ravintola McCawley’s, 3. krs, Shop No.118 Seaworld Shekou, Shenzhen (Tel: 0755 2668 4496)

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5. Tilinpäätös 2014
6. Jäsenmaksu kaudella 2015
7. Puheenjohtajan ja hallituksen valinta kaudelle 2015
8. Muut esille tulevat asiat
9. Kokouksen päättäminen

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