English Finnish

FBCGD Spring Meeting 2014 Invitation

The Council hereby invites you to join the Spring Meeting 2014 to discuss about the current situation of FBCGD and more importantly what we will do next. So mark down in your calendar Friday 7 March 2014 3pm. Hope to see you there with your great ideas and valuable opinions!

You are welcome also if you are not a member yet but are interested to become one!

Aika: perjantai 7.3.2014, klo 15:00
Paikka: Shekou, Shenzhen (tarkempi paikka ilmoitetaan myöhemmin)

1. Kokouksen avaus
2. Kokouksen päätösvaltaisuuden toteaminen
3. Jäsenrekisteri 2014
4. Kassatilanne
5. Hallituksen kokoonpanon vahvistaminen
6. Sääntömuutoksen valmistelu
6.1 Henkilöjäsenyys
6.2 FBCGD:lle suomenkielinen nimi
6.3 Toimielinten nimet ja tehtävät
7. Toimintasuunnitelma 2014
7.1 Yritysjäsenedut
7.2 Tapahtumien maksullisuus ja alennukset
7.3 Karting-tapahtuma
7.4 Golfturnaus toukokuussa
7.5 Nettisivut
7.6 Sähköpostilista
7.7 Yhteistyö: FAO:t GZ ja SZ, GZ GETDD, EUCCC, yliopistot, HK kauppakamari ja Finpro jne.
8. Team Finland –projektikatsaus
9. Muut esille tulevat asiat
10. Kokouksen päättäminen

English event

Annual General Meeting and Independence Day Dinner

The Annual General Meeting of Finnish Business Council Guangdong was held on 6 December 2013 at McCawley’s in Shekou, Shenzhen. The event was also 10th birthday of the Council and the 96th birthday of Finland.

The AGM discussed a number of things and we can expect to see more active the Council in the year 2014. Golf will be still played but many other events are also planned. This web site is also a new thing that hopefully will serve members and everybody else well.

FBCGD offered a free dinner with open bar to 30 participants who had joined to have good time. Many non-members joined the Council be part of the Finnish community in Guangdong.